
Grant Proposal applications are due in the 办公室 Sponsored Programs and Research for 审查 at least 5 business days before the sponsor’s published deadline (a 10-day window is required for funding proposals to foundations).

What is the process for the preparation, 审查, approval of proposal for funding form external sources?


A博彩平台推荐 建议总结 & 批准的形式 must accompany each proposal when submitted for 审查 to OSPR.  An 指示表 is available to assist in filling out the form.

This form documents approval of the project by key administrators (Department Chair, 研究所所长, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations (when applicable), Director and Assistant Director of OSPR, 和研究部主任. 的ir approval attests to the project’s compliance with university and sponsor guidelines.

It is very important that all items on the approval form be completed. Prospective principal investigators or project directors should pay especially close attention to Part IV, Compliance ConsiderationsPart V, Institutional Considerations. 的 information provided here informs the University of any special conditions attached to the project such as human subjects, 有害物质, 或者空间需求.

的 博彩平台推荐 建议总结 & 批准的形式 should be used for all sponsored projects that are new, 延续, 续签, 重新提交, 补充, 或修改.

Proposals are 审查ed by the 1) Department Chair or 研究所所长, 2) the Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations (where applicable), 3) the Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs and Research, 4) Director of Sponsored Programs and Research, 5) the 研究部主任, 按照这个顺序.  的re may be the need for other approvals depending on the specific proposal request, such as additional space or renovations, 当然收购, potential conflicts of interest.

通过在表格上签名, signatories certify that the respective campus offices assume responsibility for commitment of resources or persons under their jurisdiction as indicated by the proposal.

Signatories attest to specific responsibilities


首席研究员s and Project Directors

的 PI or PD is responsible for the technical, administrative and fiscal management of the project, for compliance with all University and agency requirements.

Internal 建议指导lines

Proposal Submission Guidelines & 检查表 provides guidance on the documents and information necessary to submit a proposal through 博彩平台推荐.  请参阅 形式  & 协议 for the internal 形式 required for all external funding proposals. 的se forms help our office collect information for compliance, 报告, research administration purposes.

Proposal Submission Guidelines & 检查表

形式 & 协议  page also provides additional pre- and post-award resources.


Sponsored Programs and Research

  • Jefferson 5th Floor, Atwood

  • 丽莎·高德特,导演

  • 1-508-421-3835
  • lgaudette[at]clarku[dot]edu